Monday, February 25, 2008

R.I.P 2 Snoop damn the Wire getting good

Ohhhhh yyeeaaaaahh the Wire is Heating up with the death of Snoop Marlo and the rest of his team went down and now are all in Jail hell even the cops got busted for lying about that serial killer and how they got the info on Marlo the Wire really is the best show out right now
But back to what i was saying about Mike killing Snoop thats right these youngin are taking this old heads out real talk. But Mike like the smart young dude that he is caught on to what Snoop was trying to do body him but she got body by Mike when he ask her to pull over he pulled hes gun and Snoop said some last words and then left us with the best Wire Death scene up to date
Snoop Knowning she about to die looks in the side view mirror real smooth and say
quote "Yo How my Hair Look Mike " (Snoop Voice)
Quote "You look good girl" ( Mike Voice)
Bang one to the head cccrrazzzzyyyyy then mike leave the murder scene
Peace out Nunnie

1 comment:

Cat Hill said...

Thanks for the updates because I been missin it, the wire is def. the best show on t.v right now...I knew Snoop was gon get bodied by Mike.